One Hundred Acre Wood

In the wonderful words of my favourite honey loving bear "I always get to where I am going by walking away from where I have been." This was pertinently true last Saturday when I set out for my weekly long walk with only an inkling of the adventure I was about to embark upon.

In anticipation of my long morning I sensibly sat down to a hearty breakfast  - a cheese and spinach omelette for those of you who are wondering. I won't elaborate, I don't want anyone confusing this for a food blog - and slathered on the sun cream before leaving the house. Armed with a bottle of water, a decidedly uncool bum bag and a cocoa delight Nakd bar, I popped my earphones in and tuned into an archived session of Desert Island Discs. As the sun shone down I listened to the delightful voice of Tom Hanks sharing his favourite tunes and ambled through Mill Hill and across to Borehamwood.

On a bright morning in Borehamwood I picked up my newest Walking Buddy in the form of my friend Jodie, one of the few people I know and love in this world who is the exact same height as me and yet is not a relative, nor a child. Jodie had agreed to support me in my training plight and was happy to oblige as I suggested a trek to Radlett. 

Off we went, through the deepest darkest depths of Borehamwood and into the pretty pastures of Radlett. We found open fields and corn fields, crossed roads and paths and even climbed a short fence. It was quite the pleasant walk. We even saw my eldest sister Nikki on her morning run on the way.

A gorgeous day in Radlett

I was tempted to pick some corn, but thought the better of it when realised I would have to carry it back!

My good pal Winnie also said that "you can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." On Saturday, Jodie and I, two pint sized pioneers did just that. We went to visit Winnie and his friends at 100 Hundred Acre Wood. They say that training is hard, and it is, but it is also a wonderful way to see things you don't often see. I have taken my kids to 100 Hundred Acre Wood before but I have never just had a walk around it. I have never walked the lake walk around Aldenham Country Park before and I have never taken my time to enjoy the pace of the park without kids. It was remarkable. 

Wnnie The Pooh was very welcoming

"Lines Written By a Bear of Very Little Brain"

look carefully, you never know what you might see in the tree

I could have sat there all day. Sadly I had another 10k to walk!

Sooner or later our time was up. I had used up all my training minutes and the clock was running out before walking Cinderella had to return to the "being a mother" ball. Increasing our speed we hurried back to the Wood and Jodie kindly dropped me home just before I turned into a pumpkin.

If you haven't been to Aldenham Country Park before, go. If you haven't been to 100 Acre Wood before, go. And if you are a regular, go back and this time consider taking a picnic to share with Pooh Bear. I imagine he would enjoy that.

As always, I feel it my duty to share some recommendations for the week. I couldn't possibly disappoint my one and only reader (thanks Dani!):

  1. Desert Island Discs is just brilliant, and Tom Hanks did not disappoint. I have always loved Dusty Springfield but my love for her has now been renewed - listen, you'll see.
  2. Short people walk remarkably fast. Jodie and I kept a good pace and when my friend Susannah joined me on a short walk later this week, my little legs kept up with her lavishly long limbs.
  3. A bum bag is a wonderful invention. I recommend all bring them back.
Did I mention we are walking a marathon??

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