Soggy Socks: Ode to the Morning Dew

In the words of my daughter’s favourite song, time flies by in the yellow and green. Stick around and you'll see what I mean. How is it possibly only one month until the Shine marathon? Where has the time gone?!

I’ve been quiet lately - I am sure you have all missed the mindless natter and witty banter - fear not, I have not forgotten about my training. It’s just been a tough gig to be honest.

Training for anything is really hard work and I don’t think I had appreciated just how much I would have to devote of myself for this walk. If you are an athlete or have dedicated yourself to practising and training for something - I salute you. Giving your time and focus to train for a sport is massively impressive. I realise I’ll never be competing for an Olympic medal in walking, but I do know that spending somewhere between 10 - 20 hours on something per week requires a helleva lotta dedication.

Now. Back to my knitting. Or in this case, my walking.

Walking is lovely. It’s low impact and can be refreshing and revitalising. It can also get quite hard to motivate yourself walking for long periods by yourself so I have been sourcing walking buddies. As you know my buddy is also one third of my marathon team - my sister, Dani. We’ve trekked for miles together and so far have managed to entertain each other during the hours passed.

This week Dani has gone on holiday and left me like a Celine Dion song. 

Worry not, I’ve found some interim walking buddies in the form of my husband (The Man With The Maps), my good friend Natasha, who was delighted to give up her Thursday evening in favour of a Woolf on a mission, and finally my Father in Law, The Captain.
                                                                      Image result for captain cartoon    

An avid walker, the dog obsessed Captain goes out without fail each weekend with his own buddies for a long dog walk. If anyone is interested in joining the Doggy Weekenders you need only enter Kenwood at around 7:15am each Sunday morning and there they will be.

For his only daughter in law The Captain kindly agreed to walk through mill hill and extend his hour long amble to a 2 hour long power walk. Armed with only one of his two dogs (the little one wouldn’t last) The Captain dutifully met me at 7:30am. Armed with a water bottle, sun cream and a snack, I was already better off than my last trek into the wild west of Barnet.

Hello, old friend

Gracie happily joined us

Our 2 hour walk spanned the now familiar open spaces, and it was lovely. The air was fresh, the sun was shining and it was not yet too hot to enjoy the walk. As it was early there was also a healthy amount of morning dew on the ground. 

The Captain is not used to walking with trainers in the open spaces. Within 5 minutes of entering the open space he was squelching around like a toddler in a muddy puddle. It wasn't long before I joined him. This I had not anticipated. Walking with soggy feet is quite unpleasant. Luckily the British summer time kicked in and the sun soon dried some of the water out of our feet, but here is the (relatively) exciting part, my lovely new socks stayed the course. Despite the fact that they were soaked through, I managed to continue my walk after dropping The Captain and his lovely dog at home for over another hour without any complaints from my little feet. These wonderful socks then stayed on as I took my daughter out for her bike riding lesson (a great idea for those interested) and we even managed to pop to the shops after. I am living, breathing and blister free proof that if you are looking for a durable, robust and reliable sock for walking (and probably running) you should have a look at the More Mile range!

What lessons do I have to share this week?

  1. Open Spaces are very tricky to navigate. Even with Google Maps and a better navigator. I would really love for someone to put some signage up to help the average walker find their way. 
  2. When walking anywhere other than a road, walking boots may be a better idea than trainers.
  3. Dog walkers really do have a great time. My third companion this weekend, the lovely Gracie the Cockapoo, was an absolute star!
  4. I am running out of time and walking buddies. If you are interested in joining me for a walk - please get in touch!
Thanks for reading! If you have any lovely walking routes, any tips or suggestions please do get in touch. I would love to hear from you. Also, if I haven't mentioned already, we are raising money for Cancer Research. Please do check out our fundraising page, if you haven't already:


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