The Final Countdown

Just a little nighttime stroll through London...

It’s T minus 1 day until the big M. That’s right, in 1 short day, or a little over 24 hours, my sisters and I will be forgoing a much needed nights sleep in favour of walking through London, all through the night. I had been hopeful that we’d be home in time to collapse in bed and catch the Ireland v Scotland game, although my revised goal is to make it in time to see England’s debut match. Basically, my aim is to complete this walk in under 12 hours. Because let’s face it, if I’m still walking after 12 hours there will be something majorly wrong!!

On Saturday, this Saturday, the fact remains that Team Lewis will be donning our active wear and challenging the streets of London in memory of the most wonderful, generous, nutso woman we knew. She left us a little bereft but over the years we’ve often felt her presence. I’m not sure I’ve ever really understood my thoughts on life after death but I do know the following:

1.      Whenever I need her most, I get a distinct whiff of smoke around me. For those that remember her, that was most definitely her scent!
2.      Before my half marathon, when I was desperately scared of severely damaging my foot, the lights in my kitchen turned on and off a few times without me touching them.
3.      My daughter has some weird 6th sense when it comes to my mother. She’s been known to shock the hell out of me by passing me “messages” from a woman she never knew.

My sisters and aunt too have experienced strange touch points for her.

So picture the scene. Dani and I set off last Sunday on a lovely sunny day for our grand final training walk. Neither of us particularly energised, both of us bored of traipsing ourselves across London to train. In case you are wondering, yes we did get lost, but that’s another matter.

I mentioned how gorgeous the weather was and that it was lucky that our mom was up there, making sure the weather held up for our walk. No sooner had we chuckled to ourselves about her presence did we see a car approaching us. A car that bore the number plate of a date. The date of our parents wedding anniversary. The date that is only special to our family. If ever we needed a sign that she’s still around, we got it.

This walk is very much in memory of a very much missed mother. But we will be doing this with the knowledge that she’s with us, every step of the way.

Thank you, all, for your incredibly generous sponsorship. We are so touched by your kindness and the amazing messages we have received.

It hasn’t been an easy journey, but we’ve been so inspired by the truly special words of wisdom and encouragement you have shared.

Watch this space for photos and videos from the night... it’s going to be a LONG one!


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