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The Final Countdown

Just a little nighttime stroll through London... It’s T minus 1 day until the big M. That’s right, in 1 short day, or a little over 24 hours, my sisters and I will be forgoing a much needed nights sleep in favour of walking through London, all through the night. I had been hopeful that we’d be home in time to collapse in bed and catch the Ireland v Scotland game, although my revised goal is to make it in time to see England’s debut match. Basically, my aim is to complete this walk in under 12 hours. Because let’s face it, if I’m still walking after 12 hours there will be something majorly wrong!! On Saturday, this Saturday, the fact remains that Team Lewis will be donning our active wear and challenging the streets of London in memory of the most wonderful, generous, nutso woman we knew. She left us a little bereft but over the years we’ve often felt her presence. I’m not sure I’ve ever really understood my thoughts on life after death but I do know the following:

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